Monday, December 29, 2014

What Happened? 2014....GONE!!!!

Here we are, ready to ring in a New Year!!!  I can't believe how quickly a year passes by.  We have had many things happen in our Relief Society this past year.  We have welcomed new Sisters and said goodbye to others.  We have played, learned and socialized together.  We have grieved with each of our Sisters who have lost their loved ones, and celebrated the arrival of new babies.  All and all, I have to say, it was quite an eventful year.  I am excited to welcome a new year and new adventures.  We are starting off the new year with a "BANG"!   I'm excited to learn from Sylvia Olsen, again (for me), on what to do with our wheat.  I don't care how many times I attend these classes, I just don't retain all of the information.  It never hurts to hear it again, and remember that wheat if for more than bread.   I hope to see you there!!!  Love you!!!! Connee

Monday, December 15, 2014

Annual Christmas Party

We certainly had a fun Christmas Party!!!  I have recovered after a long (17 hour) winters nap!  I do love a good party.  I hope everyone had a great time.  Thank you to all that help to make this such a success.  It was so fun to hear the Elder's Quorum in the kitchen peeling potatoes, laughing and talking.  Thanks to the Missionary Committee for delivering the invitations.  Thank you goes out to the High Priest Group for be excellent Greeters at the doors.  The Young Women were excellent hostesses sharing appetizers to those who were visiting with each other, and bringing you a yummy dessert.  The handsome Young Men were excellent waiters, I was worried we wouldn't have many, my mistake!  There were so many Young Men, I was overwhelmed.  Thanks to all my little friends, the Primary!!!  I enjoy children so much, and crawling around the stage with them was the highlight to my evening.  Thanks to all the Sister's who brought appetizers, to make our event special from the minute the guests entered the doors.  They were yummy!!!  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to Kaelyn, Dan, Erica, Dan and my special friends Verla and Ron for the fantastic meal.  Most of all thank you to my Sweet Aaron, for putting up with the garage full of party supplies for the past 6 months, and the having to haul truck loads to the Church!!!  It certainly takes a little effort from everyone to make a successful party!
I hope you are ready to come to my house on Wednesday Evening at 7 pm, for more fun for the Relief Society Sisters.  I love you so much, and love to do for you.  Please come relax and visit and be our guest!!  Love, Connee

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Getting Ready for the Party.

I am still needing two or three volunteers to help setup for the Christmas Party on Wednesday night.  I have planted the seeds, watered the plants, harvested the wheat, now who wants to help set up for the Party.  Please contact me if you can help.  I need two men, to lift tables and chairs.  The party is going to be guaranteed fun!!!  Love you, Connee

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ward Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

Well Sisters, it is December!!!  Plans continue with our Ward Christmas Party, as I emerge myself into more and more ideas!!!!!  I need all Sister's to bring tacky, and as in tacky I mean easy, appetizers for the ward party.  I will be sending around sign up sheets, but if you would be willing to bring some, just let me know.  I am really trying to set a retro 50-60's theme, and no party at that time is complete without appetizers.  The Young Women will be passing them around as guests arrive, so we will need them over to the Church at 5 pm on the 13th, to get them on the trays and ready. Think back and try to think, "what would June Cleaver do?"  And if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry, you missed out of being influenced by the greatest generation.  Mom's, the Primary Children will need to come in their PJ's for their entertainment portion of the program.  As I see this party coming together, I am so excited!!!  Please reach out to your neighbors and invite them.  There will be surprises for the kids, good food and great entertainment for the Adults.  You will certainly want to be a part of the "Ugly Sweater" club.  A reminder of the assignments for the different organizations- Young Women will serve appetizers and dessert- Young Men will serve entree- Primary will be part of the entertainment- Ward Missionaries will be passing out the invitations- The Relief Society is in charge of appetizers- Elders will be in charge of peeling potatoes- The High Priests will be greeters.  Thanks to all of you who are willing to help, I know a lot will be helping via their husbands calling too.  Thank You so much!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

November Craft Activity

We had such a great time at our work meeting.  Here are pictures of the event.  Those who were in attendance had a wonderful time, and went home with FINISHED projects!  Also, Kim went home and had her baby!!!  Her bathtub wonder.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Week to Focus on Gratitude

What a great way to start the week, with the lesson taught today by Amy Andrews.  President Monson's words were a great reminder to be a little better each day.  As this week gets more busy and hectic, we need to remember to be thankful for all of our circumstances.  If you feel overwhelmed and begin to be cranky, go hide and relax for a minute.  If you are tempted to say something unkind, pop a piece of chocolate into your mouth.  If you feel over worked and under appreciated, then do something nice, and don't expect anything in return.  In other words walk the path that Jesus has shown us.  And remember how you were looking forward to having family and friends surrounding you, love them!  We are having a quiet Thanksgiving at the Sandvik Home, and that too I am grateful for.  Maybe I can get up a few Christmas decorations, or sew, or better yet rest!!!  Just know how much I love and appreciate you!  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

That's not what I meant!

I am probably one of the most scattered brain person you will ever meet.  I try to fit all my thoughts into one sentence, and then wonder how I wasn't clear.  Just so I am clear, we are having our RS Craft Day on November 19th 12-4pm.  We are meeting in the cultural hall at the church and are having you bring your own lunch.  The RS will provide a drink and dessert.  There are 3 activities to choose from

1.  Placemats- quilt as you go.  $10.00 for 2.  We still have some available.

2.  Stacked Wood Blocks. $8.00.  Let us know asap so we will have some for you.

3.  Tile Magnets.  The cost should be about $.30 each.  We will have a variety there, plenty of extras.

If you want to come and visit, we will have a humanitarian quilt set up to work on.  Our Christmas Gathering will be for Humanitarian Effort.  We need to get a few quilts tied.  If you would like to work on one at home, they are lap size or crib size and should be easy to do.  Bring your children to play in the other end of the room with you.   Invite your neighbors.  The more we gather, the closer we become.  It just won't be the same without you!!!!

Love you!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Little Things do Matter

We had such a great couple of weeks of Relief Society Lessons.  I am slowly being converted to the Relief Society.  I have had a hard time graduating from Primary or Young Women's to come to Relief Society.  I thought I couldn't sit still and listen for 3 hours, I must be getting old!!!  I am actually really enjoying it.  With age comes wisdom, but in my case senility.  I have really been touched by the lessons Kaelynn gave and then Kathy this week.  It could be because of my love for these dear Sister's, and feeling like I share in their joys and heartaches.  I do have to say, that I feel that way about everyone.  It seems hard to believe that after a couple of month's living in our ward, I feel like our new Sister's have been here forever, and have etched their way into my heart.  I have really enjoyed visiting with each of you and getting to know you, and see all of the little things that make our ward such a great place.  I was surprised to see the young sister here today, checking out the ward.  I thought, well after today I'm sure she signed papers to buy a house in River Stone.  I have been so blessed to know each of you, and I wish you and your families they best of everything.  Don't forget I love you sista's!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October Relief Society Meeting

Tonight was a great success!!!  Thank you Samantha for all of your hard work and inspiration.  We had over 45 women attend our Provident Living Freezer/100 Meal Challenge Meeting.  Several Sisters prepared crockpot meals for us all to sample.  What better way than to try these great meals, before actually fixing them for your family.  We were well fed, and inspired to make use of what we have and being prepared.  Being the genius that I am, I didn't take any pictures, so sorry I can't share that.  I recently heard that if you are taking a lot of pictures, your missing what is going on around you, so that is probably why I don't!  They said that the people taking pictures cannot tell you what was going on as well as those who enjoy the moment.  I did enjoy the moment.  Each of the Sister's who made their crockpot meal was treated to a frozen meal prepared by Samantha.  We have such great talent in the ward, it is so fun to get together and learn from each other!  Thanks to all who came, you make it fun for those who go to great lengths to prepare.  Love you!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Love, Love, Love

This is a precious photo of my little Layla.  She just came from the Bibitty Bobitty Boutique, where she was transformed into a princess.  I snapped this as she was dancing and talking to herself in the mirror.  To me she is always a Princess, but being made perfect with costume, hair, makeup and of course pixie dust, Layla was perfect in her eyes.  Just like in Layla's Grandma's eyes, you my friends are perfect all the time.  Nothing is more beautiful than a mother with spit up on her shoulder, hair frazzled, and tired to the core, or a experienced Woman just trying to keep going when her bones are weary.   More importantly is how our Father in Heaven views us, now that is the kind of love I want to have for my friends and family, a more unconditional love.  We all are not perfect, but we deserve to be loved.  So I encourage you to keep your chin up and hang in there.  We can only do our best!!! I seriously do  Love each of you and I am so glad to be home!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Nightmare Before Christmas

As I get ready to take a week vacation with Shannon and her family, I am thinking of all the things I need to get done before Christmas.  Thus, I am creating my own Nightmare Before Christmas.  I need to make a pile of minkee  quilts, and have decided I need to make all of the Primary Children a travel pillow for the Ward Christmas Party.  The only way I will be able to get all this done, is to dedicate some days to focus on this.  I know that there aren't any Sister's that bury their lives like I do, but in case you feel a little overwhelmed with projects I'd like to offer a "Work on it Wednesday" get together for a few weeks in the latter part of October, November and possibly into December.  If you are interested in this, please email or call me and let me know.  The minkee quilts are bulky, so the church is the perfect place to do this project.  I will schedule the building and offer it to those who would like to get projects done.  Anyone who would like to come and heckle us or visit with us, would be welcome.  If we have enough interest, we can do it!!!  I also would like to ask for any donations of the travel size pillow at Walmart, for the Primary project.  I have ordered fabric for the pillow cases.  I also would like to dedicate one of these Wednesdays to assemble the pillowcases.  If you would like to help, that would be fabulous!  Please come, and participate in my "Nightmare", you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday Sessions

My favorite talk today!!!  Whenever I'm put on the spot to defend my religion, I go blank.  Neil L. Anderson's talked about need to defend Joseph Smith as a Prophet.   I was put in the exact situation of needing to stand up for what I believe, yet not alienate my friend.  I am going to pass along his talk as an answer to the doubt presented to me.  I am so grateful that I have a knowledge of the divinity of God, and not need to be shown.  I know a lot of times those who leave the Church go on to a life completely contrary to what they have been taught.  I am so sorry that evil is perceived as good and good evil at this time.  I encourage all of you, my dearest friends, to always seek to build your testimony.  I am so grateful for those examples in my life, that showed me the true happiness that is found in living the Gospel.  As a sister, who has lived on both sides of the fence, I could never be happier than I am now.  Ramble, ramble, ramble.  Love you, Connee

Friday, October 3, 2014

It's General Conference Time!!!

We live in a world of demands and schedules.  When we think of taking time out to sit and watch TV, we quickly convince ourselves we just don't have time.  Because we are so blessed to have Conference twice a year, we tend to take it for granted.  When talking to some of my friends of different religions, they are very intrigued with the fact we have living Prophets here today.  I have often been asked if I just live to hear what they have to say.  Sadly, I probably don't like I should.  There is so much turmoil in the world today and it is a breathe of fresh air to be able to hear words of comfort and encouragement.  I understand that we do have places we need to be, without a choice, it's simply out of our control.  I am so grateful for the technology we have today.  We can record it and watch it later and we can pull out our computer and watch if from there.  I am also grateful for the Women who caused a scene over the Priesthood.  I did enjoy watching the Priesthood meeting at home last Conference.  We can listen again and again, then in November have it in written form to read and study.  I want to hear as soon as I can, so I am scheduling my weekend around Conference,  not Conference around conflicts.  I am looking forward to my Sunday PJ day, it's my favorite way to attend!!!  Because of all of the controversial issues facing us today, I am excited to hear what the Prophet's feel important to share with us.  From the Women's Meeting I predict, we will hear a lot about the Temple.  It will be fun to see.  I encourage each of my Sista's to take time, slow down and listen to a Prophets Voice!  Love you, Connee

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Women's Meeting

I sure hope everyone got a chance to watch or listen to the Women's Meeting Broadcast.  I was on my way to Arizona, but was able to listen as we traveled.  It is just amazing that we can listen from about anywhere.  We tuned into BYU Radio, and voila, there it was.  Because it was on the radio, I was not able to view the beautiful video they presented.  I look forward to taking a look at it this weekend, now that I am home.  I love Sister Wixsom.  We met her in New Mexico last year, when Aaron was invited to attend Philmont.  She took a special interest in Cole, who we had taken along with us.  He was so lucky to be able to attend Primary put on by the General Primary President.  I could see a change occur in him, as he felt the love from the outstanding leaders that attended.  I hope it will always be a memory, that will influence his life.  I sure missed eveyone this week in Relief Society, but I did get to see my Carree's little family in Phoenix.  I have to say, I enjoyed a really relaxing time in a beautiful resort.  Now back to real life.  I am excited to hear the messages that will be presented this weekend in General Conference.  Just a reminder, the town will be experiencing the Marathon Invasion.  My advice to all is "Stay Home"!!!  Be sure to get your shopping done, and then you'll have no reason to go out in the mess.  Glad to be home!!  Connee

Monday, September 22, 2014

Ogden Temple Rededication

What a great opportunity it was to be able to attend the Ogden Temple Rededication, via live stream.  Isn't amazing how we can have to opportunity to be involved and witness these great events from our own chapel!!!  I remember when the Ogden and Provo Temples were first dedicated, with their definite 70's look.  My first experience of a Temple dedication was attending the Provo Temple dedication in the Marriott Center.  I was 12 or 13, and was so excited.  I know being able to experience a few events like this, and Girls Camp every year, I was able to feel the Spirit and know that I want that in my life.  It took only a few years for me to make Sacred Covenants in that very same temple with my family.  It was such a great reminder on Sunday of the purpose of the Temples.  I know I don't take the time to really appreciate and love the Temple as I should.  It is so important that our children and grandchildren see us attend the temple.  I am sure as the Ogden Temple closed in 2011 that the saints there really have felt the loss.  Sometimes we don't appreciate what we have, until it is taken away.  They could remodel our Temple and then we would certainly feel the void in our lives, not have it a quick 5 to 10 minute ride into town.  I encourage all of us to make the Temple a part of our lives and make an extra effort to get there a little more often.  Thank you also, to those in our Ward that serve in the temple every week.  We certainly couldn't go, if it weren't for those who sacrifice their time in our service.  I missed seeing you this week and look forward to seeing you soon.  I won't be here Sunday, then it is Conference.  Don't have fun without me, Connee

Serving In Our Community

 We had a wonderful Humanitarian Day this past week.  The event was well attended with lots of good food, friends and service.  We were able to get 3 of the quilt tops quilted and ready to take to the Beehive House, for lap quilts.  Bonnie Weaver was so great to make us aware of the need for these quilts.  Both Bonnie and Julie Geldmacher made sure the day was a success.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Today's lesson was taught by Kathy Harker.  Kathy has such a great spirit and makes you not only hear her lesson, but you feel it.  I was struggling about parenting today, before the lesson.  Sometimes I feel like I am constantly harping on the same things.  It is kind of like what was mentioned in Sacrament Service today, we are taught by repetition.  So I am clarifying this, it is not nagging, it's parenting!  I am so grateful to be in our ward, and be taught by so many.  We are taught not only by hearing lessons, but mostly by example.  For those of you who aren't real familiar with Kathy, let me tell you about her.  She has been in our ward, like me, forever.  She raised her 5 beautiful daughters in this ward.  The Harker's don't have can't in their vocabulary.  Kathy has spent nearly half of her time in this ward in the college ward and stake.  She has served in Young Women's and as Relief Society President.  She adds spunk and style to our ward.  Check out her shoes, purses, and jewelry if you don't believe me.  She is one of my closest friends, and I am so grateful to call her my friend.  I encourage all of the new sister's to take a minute to get to know her.  Thanks so much Kathy for your service, and love and prayers go out to you and your family at this time.

Just a reminder, next week will be a busy one!

Monday- FHE  Don't forget

Tuesday- Stake Picnic at 5:30, bring your wrapped cookies if you signed up.

Wednesday- RS Humanitarian Project and Lunch- Bring a side dish or dessert to go with soup.  Please, if you work, come over for lunch and chat with great friends!

Sunday-  Ogden Temple Dedication- 10:00 am is our assigned time.  Don't forget your recommend or yellow card.

Have a Great Week, I hope to see you several time throughout the week.  

Love ya,  Connee

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Live Up to Your Potential

Todays lesson was from the "Daughter's in my Kingdom" manual.  It was titled "Live Up to Your Privilege".  I encourage you all to read it, it is certainly a timely lesson for all of us to review.  I just couldn't do it justice in the amount of time we had.  Please take a look at it and ponder how it pertains to our lives today.  I have quite a few of the framed quote from Maya Angelo left over, if you didn't get one, or think someone might like one, please let me know.  And remember to leave your mark on all you do.  Love you, Connee

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Blast From The Past!

Who remembers these?  I do!!!  Resin Grapes were in every home of LDS Women in the 60's.  I was not from an active family, so I didn't have any in my childhood home.  I was so envious of these shiny globes and what the represented.  Well, now as the holiday season is approaching, I am currently trying to put together a memorable Christmas Party.  I want to to be a retro visit to the 60's.  In the process, I thought resin grapes were what we need to decorate with.  I am asking any of you that might possibly have some, to dig them out and share for the party.  Now taking it to the next extreme, I am going to make some!  You would not believe how much they are bringing on ebay.  They are a real hot item, and are showing up in home decor around the country.  Anyone who is interested in making them with me, let me know.  I will welcome the company, and anything I get myself into, always turns into an adventure.  Also, the theme of the party is "Ugly Christmas Sweater".  Now I am trying to offend anyone, that is just what these types of parties are referred to.  So dust off your sweater, or get decorating up one for the occasion.  I think prizes should be in order, don't you!  I know it's early, but I'm always thinking about the next event well ahead.  I hope I got you thinking about your favorite memories of Relief Society Past.  Be sure to let me know!!!  Love ya, Connee

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fifth Sunday Lesson "Getting off Temple Welfare"

For those of you that missed our combined RS, Priesthood and Youth Meeting, I thought I'd share.  Grace Killian did a great job of presenting what is taking place in the Church with family history.  I never would have dreamed that the Church would turn to the Youth to be our means to redeeming the dead.  Genealogy is no longer just for the old people.  Every Sunday afternoon select Youth meet to get trained on using technology to gather names to be taken to the temple.  They are finding hundreds of names and are gathering them to take to the temple themselves.  Soon we will have the Youth teaching the ward how to do this method!  It is so exciting.  I am also sharing the link to Elder Bednar's talk, you need to hear this!  It will amaze you.  Love you all, Connee

Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Must Read!!! September's message from our Prophet.

I attended the Self Reliance/Provident Living Stake Meeting this week.  We had some great ideas given to us on alternative cooking methods.  I relearned what Sylvia Olsen has tried to teach us over and over.  Being the pea brain that I am, I am always amazed and in awe at what we can do on our own.  I think the only way I will be able to survive a situation is to be using the items daily or being taught over and over.  Sound familiar?  How about reading our Scriptures, will we ever learn?  We heard from the Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist.  He let us know that there will not be a Stake Preparedness Fair, as it states on the September Calendar.  He was trying to get several different people to talk about 72 hr. kits.  To his dismay, he found few had them in the stake.  We have been challenged to get one.   We have seen in the past few years, how an emergency can sneak up on us at any time.  As the rains poured down this past week,  my basement was filling up.  No matter how prepared you think you are, sometimes it is just beyond our control.  Make sure you have emergency kits for everyone in your family and that is isn't 20 year old beef jerky and size 2 clothes for you 15 year old.  It is always good to be reminded of the importance of being prepared.  I will be bringing a 72 hour checklist on Sunday to pass around to those who would like one.  If there are some of you that need help on getting your kits together, please let me or Samantha Doebler know, and we will try to get a group order to help you get prepared.  Please be sure to read President Monson's message for September on the link above, to help motivate you!  Love all of you Sister's.  Connee 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I have lived in Bloomington for 29 years. I have been a member of this ward the entire time. I have seen it go from being part of St. George Stake to Bloomington Stake, from 4 wards to 13. My children started school in St. George attending the newly constructed Bloomington Elementary. We have had many RS Presidents, but I don't remember the order: Lee Marsden, Kathy McConkie, Barbara Plewe, Carolyn Dewees, Vonda Williams, Sharon Olsen, Kathy Harker, Annette Kogan, Kristine Harrop and currently Kaelyn Spencer. We have had floods, fires, births, deaths, marriages,divorces and every other life event imagined. One think that remains strong is our faith and unity. Basically I have grown up in this ward, it is my family. For many years we have remained the same size, and now we are experiencing much growth. As new homes pop up in Los Colinas and River Stone, we find we have room in our hearts for many new Sisters. It is my wish that we can share many good time in the coming years. We are excited to get to know each other and share many more life experiences together. I hope this blog will serve as an avenue to sharing, learning and getting acquainted with each other. I will try to add to it often, so please follow us! Much love, Connee