Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Message

As I am recovering from the Christmas Parties, I am reflecting on the past year.  I have been so blessed to serve the Sister's of the Bloomington 2nd Ward.  I am so grateful for each of you, and consider you each my family.  I have had such a great time trying to think of ways to pamper each of you and make you feel special.  I know I have not been the greatest at all times, but all I can do is my best.  I have been so blessed, personally, over the past year.  I have seen my baby girl move across the world and gain a stronger testimony of her Savior.  We have lost two special Sister's in the past months.  Sister Shirley Johnson, who I had the privilege to Visit Teach years ago.  I grew so close to her and Foster, and thought of her as a second mother.  Then, Sister Linda Cottam, who recently passed.  She has been ill since moving in, so we really didn't get a chance to know her for the vibrant women she was.  It makes me sad to lose these two Sister's and they will surely be missed.  We have grown as a Relief Society, with the many Sister's who have moved into River Stone.  Then in one swoop, lost so many Sister's when the ward was split.  I survived the Youth Trek to Martin's Cove, and witnessed the strength of my husband, as he led this great event.  It was at that time, I was aware he would be in the next Stake Presidency.  So, it was no surprise when he received this great call.  I have put on many a party, as you know, and tried my best to make them memorable.  My love for each of you has grown, as I have served.  My only hope is that each of you find peace in this Christmas Season.  I hope you have all of the hustle and bustle behind you, so you can focus on your Families and mostly you Savior.  I love each of you and look forward to 2016 being another great year.  Connee

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Thankgiving Week

This week I hope each of us focus on all we have to be grateful for.  We are so abundantly blessed and we need to remember that.  With all of the tragic news reports of terrorism, bigotry, wars and attack on the family, there is still so much we have to be thankful for.  Switch off the TV and open your scriptures, where we can learn so much and focus on hope.  I think there is no better time to share my favorite scripture than now:
Take time to study your favorite passages in the Book of Mormon this week, and be thankful that we have them.  We can also be grateful to have a living prophet here on earth at such a time of unsettling circumstances.  I always am grateful that I never hear a message from any Conference that invokes fear.  All of the messages delivered are positive and up lifting.   Not to say that we receive warnings, but with every warning there is good news by being obedient.

This week we were greeted by a wonderful surprise.  Jared had gone to Arizona last summer and purchased some heifers to rope and breed for a business venture.  On Wednesday, when he was going to feed, he saw a pile of something in the corral.  As he neared, he realized that it was an animal.  Fear touched his heart, as he thought one of his dogs had been trampled by the cows.  Much to his surprise, he found this calf laying there, moments after it's birth.  Soon we were over there, to see this precious creature sent from heaven, wobble and try to stand.  He was knocked over a few times by his Mother, as her interest had turned to eating, after her labored afternoon.  The miracle of life is so amazing!  Each day as we will watch this baby grow, we are reminded that God is near and he blesses us just with the breath of life.  Let us not take life for granted.  We know we are not here forever, so we must live our lives as Our Savior, Our Exampler did, in the service of our fellow man.  Thank you so much for your generous contributions over the past few weeks.  They are much appreciated.  I would like to share a message I received this past week:

Thanks to all the women who have helped Jennifer and her 9 children.
One woman had 10 folding chairs and that is perfect so they could all sit down together for meals,

So many donated; kitchen items, a recliner, even food, laundry soap, paper towels. I can't itemize everything, but I just want to let you all know that Jennifer is grateful and said to say Thank You!

Right now she's trying to figure out how to have a job and shuffle children to schools and one son to a job. She a very determined woman and I know she'll make it work.

Thanks again to all the Relief Society women who have responded.

Pat Trujillo

Remember, we are always being watched.  Let us not get caught up in the chaos of the world, as the holiday approach.  Take time for the smallest of moments.  Laugh with children, forgive your enemy, and be quick to help others.  It is my blessing to still be in this Ward and serve as Relief Society President.  Know I truly do love each of you and pray for you daily.

Much love, Connee

Sunday, November 15, 2015

White Chicken Tortilla Soup

This post is a repost from Hungry Hinton's Blog 

4-5 chicken breasts (Since I was in a hurry, I used the chicken we canned because it was already cooked. :) )
2 tbsp butter
5 green onions- just the white parts finely diced
3 tsp cumin
Salt and pepper
8 cups water.
8 tsp chicken base.
3-4 cans white beans ( I did great northern)
One bag of frozen corn
1/2 jar mild-medium salsa blended up
2 cans diced chilies (4 oz cans)
1 cup whipping cream
6 corn tortillas cut into 1 inch squares. The more tortillas you add the thicker the soup. So you can for sure add more if you'd like.

Emily does everything in the giant stock pot. It keeps the chicken more moist.
Brown the chicken in the butter and add the onions. Cook til soft. Add cumin, salt and pepper. Mix and cook a bit more to get seasonings to coat chicken. Add everything else while heating it through on med heat. Bring to a boil and let stand for a bit before serving.

Emily brought cheese, sour cream and chips to serve with it. I didn't need any of that. It was delicious without. My kids loved the cheese and chips with it...of course. :)

This makes a lot. At least 2 meals for my family of 6 and will be good for Brielle's lunch for 2 or 3 days as well. Yay! I love leftovers that double for school lunch as well!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

I'm Back!!!

I feel like I have been gone forever!! I had a wonderful visit with my Darcy. Of course, it was hard to leave my baby girl behind. I was so grateful to find her in wonderful surroundings. A couple blocks from the Hyde Park Chapel and in a safe area of London. I cannot express my gratitude for the Gospel around the world. My baby girl really was struggling here, and needless to say, I was so very concerned. When she suggested to me that she wanted to go to London, immediately I said yes. I didn't even know where that came from. I have kept her safe under my wing and now I was going to let her travel to another country to live!!! Well, that yes has proved to have been one of the best moves ever. We had to hurry our day activities along so she could attend institute. Who was this girl? Not only one night, but two!! Not to mention FHE, grateful, yes...but more like blessed. I have to come to understand that I don't care where my children live, as long as they are happy and growing in the gospel. Thanks to Kathy McConkie for being my strong example. I can do it too!!!
Although I wasn't here, that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking and praying for each of you. I wanted to share my special relationship with my dear friend Shirley Johnson. I was assigned years ago to be Shirley's visiting teacher. Each month I would sit and visit with this sweet Sister. I learned of her firm testimony and love for her Savior. She was raising her two Grandchildren, Avery and Adrianne. She did all she could to ensure these sweet grandchildren had every opportunity available. She supported their attendance to the Youth Activities, and when I was put in as Young Women's President she supported me whole heartedly. Foster and Shirley have always been willing to do whatever was needed from them to help and support our Ward. When my Father passed away, they were there for me. Foster led the military rites and collected the shells from the ground and gave them to my family. I still have mine tucked away and often look at, I cannot look though, without Foster and Shirley being in my thoughts. The past few years have really been a struggle for Shirley, as her health has declined. Whe lost her Son this past summer, which took a significant blow on her. When I went to see her after her surgery, she had just been admitted in ICU. I boldly went in, like I belonged there. I went in her room expecting to see her awake and recovering. I stepped in the room, and much to my surprise, I saw a frail old woman ready to meet her Father in Heaven. I gently put my hand over hers and told her goodbye and that I loved her. I knew Shirley had made her decision to join her Son and many more and was preparing her departure. Right before I boarded the plane, I got a call that Shirley had passed. I felt torn on leaving, because she was so special to me I find comfort in knowing that I will see my sweet friend again and tell her how much I love her.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Give while you shop

Did you know that you can now help homeless familiesevery time you shop online at Amazon?
Switchpoint is partnering with AmazonSmile, a program funded by to provide a simple and convenient way for you to support Switchpoint every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is no different from Amazon, where shoppers are presented with the same prices on the same products. To participate, click on the Amazon Smile button. Please register today and help support Switchpoint. It is easy, convenient, and there is no cost to you! Help us support families in need.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

In case you missed

“In greeting you, I will paraphrase Paul's words: 'Unto the Church of God in the Utah South Area, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be Saints, grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ,'” said Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
He addressed 235 stakes from the Utah South Area during a conference held in the Marriott Center with 15 stakes in attendance. The other 220 stakes viewed the conference via transmissions to stake centers across the state, making it the largest gathering of Latter-day Saints outside of general conference. It is estimated there were over 400,000 people at the Marriott Center or viewing the broadcast.
“Because I am unable to personally meet with all of you in your 235 stakes where you are gathered in your many chapels, I'm giving to you my own epistle today to express my love and gratitude and to provide you some specific counsel,” said Elder Ballard.
He compared the Church in Utah to a heart of the Church body throughout the world. Elder Ballard said, “The Saints in Utah help pump gospel truths through the entire world — giving the members important spiritual oxygen and essential nutrients.”
Citing a Gallup poll, Elder Ballard said that the Utah South Area is one of the most religious areas in the United States, revealed in the flourishing religious landscape.
However just like any heart needs regular checkups to remain healthy, Elder Ballard had several recommendations to share at the conference.
“These recommendations include maintaining healthy practices that you are already engaged in and, in some cases, recommending adjustments in your spiritual exercise and well-being,” he said.
Elder Ballard warned of practices and influences that could separate an individual from the Spirit. He shared a story about a grove of sequoia trees on the BYU campus. Tall, resilient and able to resist damage from bugs, fungi and forest fires, it came as a surprise when one of the large sequoias on campus suddenly died last year. Surprisingly, an arborist found that the tree died from lack of water.
“The arborist discovered that the aquifer that nourished the little grove had shifted as an unintended consequence of the construction of the new Life Sciences Building, just east of the grove,” Elder Ballard said.
He continued, “To me this is a perfect analogy of what happens when stalwart Church members, the 'very elect,' who for all appearances seem to stand tall and erect in faith, die spiritually.”
To keep members from spiritually dying from a lack of living water, Elder Ballard advised members to maintain essential, daily habits that “keep us rooted, grounded, and connected to [Christ].” These habits include daily prayer, fasting, studying the scriptures and the words of the living prophets, keeping the Sabbath day holy, partaking of the sacrament, worshiping in the temple often and reaching out to the needy, poor and lonely.
“When someone stops doing these simple but essential things,” Elder Ballard said, “they cut themselves from the 'well of living water' and allow Satan to muddle their thinking.”
Of concern to him was knowing that “individuals who don't stay focused on the simple doctrine and gospel of Christ will eventually listen to false teachers and self-declared prophets and adopt worldly philosophies,” Elder Ballard said.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions or investigating the Church's history, doctrine or practices, Elder Ballard said. He advised Church leaders to help those who come to them with difficult questions. “When someone comes to you with a question or concern, please don't brush the question off — do not tell him or her to not worry about the question. Please do not doubt the person's dedication to the Lord's work. Instead, help the person find the answers to their questions.”
Elder Ballard said that the Lord doesn't expect His Saints to have advanced degrees in Church history and doctrine, but members can still provide many — not all — answers for those who are sincere.
“Another concern I have is you live so close to Church headquarters that some of you may have become casual in listening to the Lord's servants,” Elder Ballard said. An effect of this attitude is choosing to miss sessions of stake and general conference, seeing that time as time-off from Church assignments.
Members living beyond their means in order to keep up with their neighbors is another concern. “We make a very serious mistake when we compare our lives with those who have much wealth, forgetting that most of us have already prospered in the land,” Elder Ballard said. “Please be content and enjoy the blessings you already have received instead of becoming slave to unwise use of consumer debt.”
Over-programmed lives and constantly being distracted by technology and social media also cut members off from the Spirit, he said. “Please carefully look at your calendars and consider where you might cut back and enjoy a less hectic life more fully,” Elder Ballard advised. “The Lord counseled us to find time to 'be still and know that I am God'” (Psalm 46:10).
Additionally, Elder Ballard spoke on how Church members, who throughout history have been a discriminated minority, must treat their friends, neighbors and colleagues who are not members of the Church.
“Although we take seriously the 'Great Commission' and charge from the Lord, 'Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,' we honor and respect agency” (Matthew 28: 19-20). Elder Ballard continued, “If a neighbor, work colleague, or schoolmate is not interested in investigating the gospel, we must always continue to extend the hand of friendship.”
The Utah South Area has unprecedented access to educational opportunities, Elder Ballard said. “Those who have the gift of knowledge or who have had the opportunity to obtain an education should never look down on any of God's children with disdain because an individual lacks the gift or opportunity of education,” he said.
Also speaking at the conference were Elder Donald L. Halstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy; Sister Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president; and Bishop Dean M. Davies, second counselor in the presiding bishopric.
Elder Halstrom spoke on hastening the work of salvation. “This work of salvation includes member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active members, temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel,” he said. Instead of working in competition with each other, each of these aspects of salvation bolster the others and work together, he said.
Treating the Sabbath day like a treasured gift from God can help improve Sabbath day experiences, Sister Burton said. “We can give a sign of love to our heavenly Father and the Savior by choosing to do things on the Sabbath day that demonstrate our Love for Him,” she said. “Partaking of the sacrament is more than just renewing our baptismal covenant, for we are cleansed again each time we worthily partake and remember Him. Doing so helps us repel the stains of the world and keep 'unspotted' from it.”
Bishop Davies spoke on how patterns given by the Lord help keep His people from being lost. For instance, in the Book of Mormon, “the patterns witness, teach and testify to us that wickedness never was happiness and only leads to misery and pain,” Bishop Davies said. “On the other hand, you can also see and feel that patterns of righteous living bring peace, joy, and strength to individuals, families and communities.” Bishop Davies invited everyone to read the Book of Mormon. “Brothers and sisters, a steady, daily partaking of the words of the Book of Mormon will grant you, the reader, an understanding and spiritual nourishment that cannot be obtained any other way,” he said.
Elder Ballard concluded the meeting, saying, “I testify that if you will carefully consider the counsel and direction you have received from each one of us today, you will find your feeder roots connected to the 'well of water springing up into everlasting life'” (John 4:14).

Sunday, September 6, 2015

September is off to a great start!!!

Well Sister's, it is September already.  Kids off to school, a little coolness in the air and on the threshold of the Holiday Seasons!!!

We will have a very busy September, you may want to mark your calendars.

Wednesday, September 16th, 
Relief Society "The Family"  Activity
 Meet at the Church at 6:30
You won't want to miss this, it will be great fun and an enlightening evening.  Bring a friend.

September 26th is the General Women's Broadcast
at the Church
6:00 p.m.
For all Sister's 8 and up.

September 29th
The Stake Picnic
Bloomington Park
Fun for the whole family.

Please don't forget to do your Visiting Teaching.  Sometimes you are the only one to find out your Sister's need you.  You are important to them.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Oil, Oil, Oil!!!

What a fabulous night we had. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your support.

Essential Oil Recipes


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wednesday Night Activity

 Oils- Class on Essential Oils and its uses.  Olive Oil and its uses.  Make and Take flavored Olive Oil.  Prizes.  Wednesday April 19th at 6:30 at the Church.  You must be there to win and make your Oil.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Fresh Peach Delight

Fresh Peach Delight
Recipe type: Dessert
For graham cracker crust and topping:
  • 2 cups crushed graham crackers
  • ½ cup unsalted butter-melted
  • 6 tablespoons sugar
For peach filling :
  • 5 cups fresh peaches-peeled and diced into 1 inch peaces (about 6-7 medium peaches)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 (3 oz.) package peach jello
For cheesecake layer:
  • 8 oz. cream cheese-room temperature
  • ¾ cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 (8 oz) carton cool whip
  1. Preheat oven to 375 F. In a bowl combine crushed graham crackers and 6 tablespoons sugar. Add melted butter and stir with a fork until all crumbs are moistened. Take out 1½ cup crumbs and set aside for topping.
  2. Press the remaining crumbs into the bottom of a 13×9 inch baking dish bake for 8 minutes. Set aside to cool.
  3. In a sauce pan combine water, 1 cup sugar and cornstarch, stir well and bring to a boil. Add the package of peach jello and stir to dissolve. Remove the mixture from heat and allow to cool completely, then add diced peaches, stir and pour over cooled crust. Place in the fridge until set (about 4 hours).
  4. Cream together powdered sugar, cream cheese and vanilla. Fold in cool whip and spread over the top of peach filling. Place in the fridge to set and top with the 1 ½ cup reserved graham cracker crumb mixture before serving.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

This is your 2nd Warning!!!

Sisters!!!  I've warned you before, and I'll say it again.  Emptying your dishwasher is dangerous!!!  I have now passed the baton onto my family, I will not do it again.  This is the second time I was crippled from this very dangerous task.  I was able to trek 28 miles with minor aches and pains, but I cannot and will not empty the dishwasher again.  A very close second is making the bed, followed by vacuuming.  I had no idea that I was entering the danger zone, simply by cleaning my house.  It is time we unite and let the world know, we place our very well being in jeopardy by cleaning up after others.  Hopefully I will be on my feet again to join you on Sunday.  In the meantime I am hobbling around and have very interesting dismounts off a chair.  Take care of yourselves and watch out for these dangers right there in every one of our homes!!  Love You, Connee.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Another Crock Pot Recipe


  • 4 – 5 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, thawed
  • 3/4 cup Smuckers Sweet Orange Marmalade
  • 3/4 cup of Sweet Baby Ray’s Original BBQ Sauce {it’s SO good!}
  • 2 tbsp. Soy Sauce
  • Crockpot


  1. Cook chicken in crockpot on HIGH for 3 hours {covered}
  2. After 3 hours, drain juices from crockpot
  3. At this point… you can either leave the chicken breasts whole, or remove, cut into cubes, and transfer back to crockpot.
  4. Mix together bbq sauce, orange marmalade, and soy sauce.
  5. Pour mixture over chicken, and cook on high for 30 more minutes {covered}

Good Read on the Sabbath Day

Blessings of the Sabbath Day

Contributed By Marissa A. Widdison, Church Magazines
  • 30 JULY 2015
What blessings do you enjoy when you keep the Sabbath day holy? In this article, Saints from around the world share thoughts that may prompt ideas and impressions of your own.
Picture yourself receiving the most important invitation of your life: a chance to spend a day with Jesus Christ. How would you prepare spiritually and physically for such a day? What blessings might you hope would come from such a visit?
The Lord has invited each of us to set aside a day to commune with Him—the Sabbath day, which He has blessed and made holy (see Exodus 20:11). What blessings do you enjoy when you keep the Sabbath day holy? Here are some thoughts from Saints around the world that might prompt ideas and impressions of your own.
Closeness to God and Christ
Sister Andrea Julião, from São Paulo, Brazil, discovered that just as relationships with earthly friends grow stronger when we spend time together, our relationship with Heavenly Father becomes stronger when we focus on Him through Sabbath worship.
Our relationship with Heavenly Father becomes stronger when we focus on Him through Sabbath worship.
While visiting family who weren’t members of the Church, Sister Julião decided to wake up early Sunday and try to find an LDS church building in the area. As her family prepared for a day of adventurous recreation, Sister Julião searched the neighborhood until she met someone who pointed out a steeple in the distance. Sister Julião was able to attend worship services. “I had the most amazing Sabbath day,” she said. “I felt Heavenly Father’s love so strongly. I felt that He enjoys when His children obey His teachings. I gained a stronger testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ.”
Healing and Relief
The Sabbath can be a day of personal healing, both physically and spiritually.
President Russell M. Nelson, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, spoke about how the Sabbath day blessed his life as a young professional. “I first found delight in the Sabbath many years ago when, as a busy surgeon, I knew that the Sabbath became a day for personal healing. By the end of each week, my hands were sore from repeatedly scrubbing them with soap, water, and a bristle brush. I also needed a breather from the burden of a demanding profession. Sunday provided much-needed relief” (“The Sabbath Is a Delight,” Apr. 2015 general conference).
The Spirit of Elijah
Doing family history work on the Sabbath helps us feel the spirit of Elijah.
Nine-year-old Eliza from Edmonton, Canada, recently gave a talk in sacrament meeting about one way focusing on Sabbath-appropriate activities has blessed her life. Because Eliza sometimes struggled with boredom on Sundays, she and her family decided that indexing would be a good activity to try. Eliza soon discovered that she loved working with the names and records! “When I start, I just want to keep doing it forever,” she shared with the congregation. When Eliza’s great-grandma heard how much she enjoyed family history, she taught Eliza how to add stories and pictures to their family tree online. “It is so much fun, I love it!” Eliza said. “When I do family history work, I feel the spirit of Elijah. It is an awesome feeling.”
A Lifted Soul
Partaking of the sacrament reminds us of the Savior's love and mercy.
Sister Cheryl A. Esplin, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, testified of the blessing of taking the sacrament on the Sabbath day. “When I partake of the sacrament, I sometimes picture in my mind a painting that depicts the resurrected Savior with His arms outstretched, as if He is ready to receive us into His loving embrace. I love this painting,” she said. “When I think about it during the administration of the sacrament, my soul is lifted as I can almost hear the Savior’s words: ‘Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me’” (“The Sacrament—a Renewal for the Soul,” Oct. 2014 general conference).
Chances to Minister
The Sabbath provides the opportunity to minister to others.
Elder L. Tom Perry taught that one of the reasons we need to rest from our labors on Sunday is because they take us away from “the opportunity to minister to others” (“The Sabbath and the Sacrament,” Apr. 2011 general conference). Ministering on the Sabbath is something Sister Zola Adjei came to love while growing up in the Kpong Branch in Ghana. While home from boarding school during the summers, she and other youth would go in groups to visit members of their branch they hadn’t seen in a while. “It was a sacrifice because most of us felt very hungry after church, and we were so far from our homes that we didn’t have time to eat and gather again,” Sister Adjei said. But the sacrifice was worth it as they were able to pray and sing hymns with their fellow branch members and invite them to church and activities. One of the youth would offer to walk with them to church the next Sunday. “This practice formed a bond amongst us,” Sister Adjei said. “Some of us have stayed strong friends from the decisions we made to go out and bring back our lost friends by giving up a few hours of our Sabbath day.”
Missionary Opportunities
Our commitment to keep the Sabbath day holy may lead to opportunities to share our beliefs with others.
In today’s world, making Sunday a holy day will surely set us apart—giving us chances to share the gospel in a natural way as others notice the difference in our weekly routine. The Davies family experienced this while living on the island of Grenada with their young daughter, Adrielle. “None of Adrielle’s friends are members of the Church, and while many of them believe in God, Sunday to them is simply another day of the weekend,” explained Sister McKenzie Lawyer Davies, Adrielle’s mother. A few months ago, Adrielle was invited to a birthday party at a movie theater on Sunday. They decided to drop off a gift instead of going to the movie and party. “Because we simply stopped by to wish them well, we were able to share our beliefs about the Sabbath with them in a friendly and open way,” Sister Lawyer Davies said. “It made me happy that my little girl was already sharing the gospel.”
Protection from Worldliness
As we avoid worldly distractions on the Sabbath day, we are blessed with protection from obsession with worldly things.
Doctrine and Covenants 59:9states, “And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day.” Modern prophets and apostles have taught that the idea of keeping ourselves “unspotted from the world” is both an invitation and a promised blessing that work hand-in-hand. For example, President James E. Faust taught that as we avoid worldly distractions on the Sabbath day, we are blessed with protection from obsession with worldly things. “In this day of increasing access to and preoccupation with materialism, there is a sure protection for ourselves and our children against the plagues of our day. The key to that sure protection surprisingly can be found in Sabbath observance” (“The Lord’s Day,” Oct. 1991 general conference).
Quality Family Time
Sabbath activities that invite the Spirit may also prompt good family discussions.
The Olson family in Brigham City, Utah, found that even changing one small aspect of their Sabbath day brings about great blessings. Instead of watching regular television on Sunday, they focus on Church-sponsored media. They found that watching the Bible videos with their children invites the Spirit as well as questions from the kids that prompt good family discussions. “Not watching TV on the Sabbath led to the biggest shift in focus for me,” said Sister Lacey Olson. “We might feel like there are so many rules with regards to Sunday, but I think the Sabbath is a day unrestricted with regards to service and charity. If we choose, the Sabbath day can arm us with rejuvenation to face the world in the following week.”
The Lord teaches us in the scriptures that we should “remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). When we recognize the Sabbath as a precious opportunity to claim spiritual blessings, those words become an invitation from Him. How will we respond? What promises are in store for ourselves and our families?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A New Idea for Dinner

Fry Bread Tacos
by Jamie @ Love Bakes Good Cakes
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 4-6 servings

    For the fry bread:
    • 2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 tbsp. baking powder
    • 1 tsp. salt
    • 1 cup milk
    • 4 cups oil for frying, or as needed
    For the tacos:
    • 1 lb. taco seasoned meat (beef, pork or chicken)
    • 2 cups your favorite beans (refried, pinto, kidney, black)
    • 3 cups shredded lettuce
    • 1 cup (4 oz.) Cheddar cheese, shredded
    • 1 large tomato, chopped
    Additional ingredients for serving:
    • Salsa, sour cream, guacamole, taco sauce (if desired)


    1. In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir in milk with a wooden spoon and mix until the dough comes together. Add more flour if necessary to be able to handle the dough. On a floured surface, knead the dough until smooth, at least 5 minutes. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes.

    2. Heat oil in a large, deep heavy skillet to 375°F. Oil should be about 1 1/2 inches deep. Divide dough into 4 to 6 pieces and use a rolling pin to shape dough into ¼-inch thickness circles.

    3. Fry breads in the hot oil until golden on both sides, turning only once. Drain on paper towels.

    4. Top fry bread with your choice of beans, choice of taco seasoned meat, lettuce, cheese and tomatoes. Top with your choice of additional ingredients, such as salsa, sour cream, guacamole or taco sauce.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015

    In the News

    NEWS RELEASE — 15 JULY 2015

    Russell M. Nelson: New President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

    Russell M. Nelson is president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He was set apart (an official appointment) to this calling by President Thomas S. Monson Wednesday, July 15, 2015. As president of the Twelve, he is referred to as President Russell M. Nelson and succeeds the late President Boyd K. Packer, who died July 3, 2015. It is the Church's practice that the senior member by date of assignment to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles becomes quorum president.
    The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is the second-highest presiding body in the government of the Church. Its members serve under the direction of the First Presidency, a governing unit of three men — the president and two counselors.
    In addition to their primary responsibility to be special witnesses of the name of Christ throughout the world, the apostles have heavy administrative responsibilities as they oversee the orderly progress and development of the global Church.