As I am recovering from the Christmas Parties, I am reflecting on the past year. I have been so blessed to serve the Sister's of the Bloomington 2nd Ward. I am so grateful for each of you, and consider you each my family. I have had such a great time trying to think of ways to pamper each of you and make you feel special. I know I have not been the greatest at all times, but all I can do is my best. I have been so blessed, personally, over the past year. I have seen my baby girl move across the world and gain a stronger testimony of her Savior. We have lost two special Sister's in the past months. Sister Shirley Johnson, who I had the privilege to Visit Teach years ago. I grew so close to her and Foster, and thought of her as a second mother. Then, Sister Linda Cottam, who recently passed. She has been ill since moving in, so we really didn't get a chance to know her for the vibrant women she was. It makes me sad to lose these two Sister's and they will surely be missed. We have grown as a Relief Society, with the many Sister's who have moved into River Stone. Then in one swoop, lost so many Sister's when the ward was split. I survived the Youth Trek to Martin's Cove, and witnessed the strength of my husband, as he led this great event. It was at that time, I was aware he would be in the next Stake Presidency. So, it was no surprise when he received this great call. I have put on many a party, as you know, and tried my best to make them memorable. My love for each of you has grown, as I have served. My only hope is that each of you find peace in this Christmas Season. I hope you have all of the hustle and bustle behind you, so you can focus on your Families and mostly you Savior. I love each of you and look forward to 2016 being another great year. Connee